My fiancé and I are creating a new (to us) wedding tradition: Replaceable wedding bands.
We each bought ‘replaceable wedding bands’ for our nuptials this August. These are normal, inexpensive rings: His, a $40 faceted tungsten, mine, a $175 thin yellow gold with a tiny round ruby. No eternity bands or thick platinum here (although I do love me some eternity bands).
We plan on replacing our wedding bands when they get lost, or damaged (since mine is so thin and delicate, I can picture this happening), or on our wedding anniversaries (whichever comes first). It gives us both a perpetual backup anniversary gift idea and saves us some cash right now. Plus, you know all those heartbreaking stories about people losing their wedding bands? If it happens, it won’t really be a bad thing in our house, but an opportunity.
On a mushy note, we hope that replacing our wedding bands now and again will give us an opportunity to reflect on (and maybe even renew) our vows. Or at the very least, remind us of the significance of the new hardware we will slip on each other’s fingers in two month’s time.
I’m curious, have you created any new wedding or marriage traditions? Do tell!
Rings via Larson Jewellers and Shopbop