As I hope you’ve noticed, Megan from Mae Mae Paperie is in the process of creating a bevy of wedding paper suites that continue to one up each other every time a new one comes out. Every. Time. So of course you’ll die when you feast your eyes on this suite, which I want to eat for dessert. And then breakfast the next morning (where I’ll no doubt lick my plate).
Walter, I’m very pleased to make your acquaintance. I’d like to introduce you to my friends…
P.S… I wish you could meet Walter in person. Even more lovely than you could ever imagine…
1. Favor Tag Series
2. Formal Invite Belly Band
3. Envelope Liner
4. Itinerary + Map Trifold
5. Menu
6. Reply Card
7. Formal Invite
8. Table Number
9. Male Escort Card
10. Female Escort Card
11. Thank You Card
12. Save the Date