Grey Likes Weddings Rockin' a new rock?!

Hi friends!

If you’re like me, you like surprises… but you also like playing detective; a killer combo when your friends and family are planning your bridal shower.

I have never had a successful surprise party. I mean, the parties have all been great but it’s never quite been a surprise. My bridal shower was last weekend {Oh. Em. Gee.} and although the cat was let out of the bag about the date, I was still totally taken back by the thought and details that were put into the day and the wholeness of having both families together.

As you may have caught on, I’m a bit of a girly girl and I must say, this shower screamed ‘Sam’; it was totally me and I couldn’t have planned a party (for myself) better than that one!

However, there is a certain responsibility that comes with having a party in your honour. Everyone is there for you, which is why I thought I’d share some tips on bridal shower etiquette.


  • Create a registry if you haven’t already
  • Prepare a list of guests you would like invited
  • Suggest a theme or color scheme that you would like
  • Suggest a few venues in case your entourage needs the extra help (WARNING: this may spoil the surprise when you show up)
  • Don’t probe or ask questions pertaining to the event
  • Make sure your entourage tells your guests that it is a surprise… unless it’s not supposed to be
  • In the event you have found out about the shower, share it with your closest gals but let everyone else enjoy the “SURPRISE” moment
  • Make sure to look cute on weekends… just in case


  • Make sure to say hello to all of your guests
  • Spend some quality time with each of them when you get the chance
  • Introduce the grooms family members to yours and initiate a conversation that can be continued without you
  • Take the time to notice the details
  • Make sure to get a balanced amount of pictures with both your family and your man’s
  • Opening gifts can be long and tiresome for your guests, try and make it fun by turning it into an activity (something I sucked at – sorry folks!)
  • Be a good sport; there are some games that you may not want to play (not the case for me), play them anyway – this only happens once!
  • Go insta-crazy after the event, enjoy the moment without your phone glued to your side
  • Thank everyone for attending, especially those who made it possible


  • Show your gifts to your groom-to-be
  • Send thank you cards to everyone that attended or sent a gift
  • Print out your favourite pics and add them to the wedding scrapbook

Until next time, here’s a little peek into the day. For more pics follow me on Instagram @SamanthaKris3


My beautiful tea themed invitations




Authentic cashmere bridal gowns

sam and dan bridal shower

Lady Samantha
