Some advice for my fellow brides and control freaks: prepare for the unexpected. How you react to unanticipated events will greatly influence your mind set and set the tone for your wedding. Try not to let things bother you (*try* being the ultimate key word here). Take a deep breath, go for a jog, sleep on it, meditate, do what you have to do to remind yourself that at the end of the day you will be married to your best friend. You will be surrounded by loved ones and the day will be beautiful, even if it goes slightly off track.
So why am I going all Dr. Phil on you, you ask? Well, after a recent meeting with our venue to discuss the details of our wedding day, a few things left me feeling slightly discouraged. Okay… so I may have cried all the way home. I thought I would share this experience with you in case you are experiencing or will experience similar stress.
Here’s what came as news to me during this meeting:
– I will have to throw my bouquet after the ceremony, as opposed to after the dinner… not so bad.
– I will not be able to design a sweet table {which I love to do} because I cannot select specific desserts & I cannot bring in desserts of my own, I can only have ‘assortments’… Upsetting, but I can deal.
– We will not be able to have an honor table that fits our entire bridal party… Starting to lose my cool.
– The gorgeous upholstered Victorian chairs we loved were unfortunately left outside during a wind storm and were damaged. They were replaced with poufy… white… taffeta… chairs (deep breath). Seeing red.
– Since the chairs needed to be replaced, our venue took the opportunity to give the interior a bit of a face lift. The new décor was an attempt at a more modern look. Unfortunately, vintage is exactly what we were going for and have since had to rethink our theme {4 months before the wedding} because our original design no longer matches the venue. On a one way road to crazy town!
If you’re in this boat, don’t worry – it gets better! When the rage subsides you will be able to see things a little clearer. I’ve got my family and fiancé to thank for keeping me sane in this moment of panic! So throwing my bouquet after the ceremony is not traditional… neither is having my dad marry us or my mom walk me down the aisle… but that’s how we roll. No sweet table? No problem. We’ve opted for a cake table instead; instead of one wedding cake with multiple tiers, we will do several smaller cakes that fit our theme. We beat the system! Muahaha. Having a divided honor table would not be my first choice but with both Dan and I being products of divorce, having an honor table to include all parents and step parents was tricky and proved to be an impossible task. It’s no longer something we have to worry about! We are able to bring in our own chairs that better suit our vision, with the help of family. And finally, rethinking the theme has surprisingly been a blast. I love creating inspiration boards. So many things inspire me; it’s hard to commit to one concept, especially having been engaged for almost two years. This experience has allowed me to explore newer trends and come up with a board even more exciting than the last!
Take a look at what’s to come and please share any drama you’ve had to deal with so I don’t feel like such a Bridezilla!
{Blush & Gold: Modern Meets Vintage}