After the flurry of excitement from our engagement weekend settled, I came home from work ready to start my bride-to-be workout routine. Determined and focused to lunge, squat and run, I left work at a reasonable hour and put my workout gear on the moment I walked in the door. Good, I thought, no time to rethink things.
I started to clear away furniture when I leaned over to move a basket and lo and behold a box of Girl Scout cookies came tumbling out. I have no idea where they came from but they stopped me in my tracks. I took a long, hard look at the purple box of heavenly bites and contemplated where they could have possibly come from. Who on earth brought these into my home and WHY, dear God, WHY was I allowed to be home alone with them? I stroked the perforated edge of the box, knowing undoubtedly that this was a test I was about to fail miserably. Despite being alone, I looked around to make sure no one was watching and then dashed into the kitchen like a drug addict, shredding the box in a manner that would make anyone watching think it was an exorcism. Before I could come up for air I downed two. TWO! I’m not even sure I remember swallowing but gone they were. Good Lord they were SO good! WHY!!!! A quick flash of my engagement ring brought me back to reality. I gazed at the calorie count. Two Samoas, 150 calories. Darn it, that’s like 200 squats. I hate squats. So I put the box down, stepped back and thought about going to finish…er…start… my work out. That’s right, I hadn’t even started yet. Better take one for the road I thought, and before I could stop it, I was swallowing cookie number three. Nom. Nom. Nom, 100 more squats. Gaaaaah.
So how do you do it ladies? What does it take to really get in the best shape of your life? Wedding photos last forever. I’m hoping my love handles won’t.
– Lady Katie